Paley Orthopedic & Spine Institute
2024 Congenital Deficiencies Live Surgery Tutorial
901 45th Street, Kimmel Building, West Palm Beach, FL 33407
January 15-19, 2024. West Palm Beach, Florida.
This tutorial will present a comprehensive exposure to assessment, planning, surgery, and rehabilitation of patients with Congenital Femoral Deficiency (CFD), Congenital Pseudarthrosis Tibia (CPT), Fibular and Tibial Hemimelia, Congenital Pterygium Knee, Radial Club Hand, and Congenital Dislocation Patella. Participants will get to see patients before, during, and after surgical treatment as well as live surgery demonstrating procedures such as SUPERhip, SUPERkneeSUPERankle, SHORDT, X-UNION, and Ulnarization. Participants will also visit our physical therapy department to learn rehabilitation techniques for lengthening patients. Tuition includes participation in the educational program, handouts, and all meals.